We are excited to introduce a NEW hands-on STEAM Docent program at Ella Baker! This program will provide opportunities for students in grades 1-3 to engage in hands on STEAM-based projects and experiences.
We also welcome you to join as volunteer to help students in Grades 1, 2 and 3 learn how to program little robots and do much more! No prior experience or STEAM talent is needed. All lessons and training for STEAM Docent volunteers will be provided. Similar to the Art Docent program, volunteers will coordinate with their student’s teacher to determine dates for STEAM lessons. For questions, please contact: steamdocent@ellabakerptsa.org
Please be sure you are an approved volunteer in the Lake Washington School District before signing up: Volunteering in LWSD - Lake Washington School District
Lesson Plans
Training: Steam Docent Training Slides
Grade 1: Introduction to BeeBot
Grade 2: Introduction to BeeBot
Grade 3: My Robotic Friends Jr.